We continue to collaborate with our school district partners to recruit for the school based mental health residency project (PRIMHE). However, due to federal funding freezes, the status of living stipends for upcoming PRIMHE residents remains uncertain. We will provide more information as soon as it becomes available.

The PRIMHE Project is a countywide preparation program partnership between the Tulare County Office of Education (TCOE), the Institute of Higher Education's masters-level programs (MSW, LPC, MFT track), and partnering school districts. The program includes supportive preparation for graduate students seeking to become school-based mental health professionals.
Beginning January 1, 2023, TCOE was awarded a grant through the Office of Safe & Supportive Schools, Office of Elementary & Secondary Education to support the PRIMHE Project's work in recruiting and retaining high-quality school-based mental health professionals for high-need, hard-to-staff schools in Tulare County.
Marvin Lopez, M.B.A., M.S.M.
Executive Director, marvinl@tcoe.org
Rosie Hernandez, Ed.D., LCSW, PPSC
Clinical Supervisor, rosieh@tcoe.org

Funded by the United States of America Department of Education Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (Award # S184H220207).